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Even while experiencing homelessness, you can still vote! To learn how, click here

LAHSA is committed to providing information and resources to assist homeless services providers and Los Angeles County residents experiencing homelessness to vote in this and future elections.

As the November 3, 2020 general election approaches, please check out the following information to help yourself or your clients become registered to vote.

Even while experiencing homelessness,


Can I register while experiencing homelessness?


Registering to vote in California does not require you to be a tenant or homeowner.

Normal voter eligibility rules still apply

You are a
U.S. Citizen

You are a
California resident

You are not on
parole for a felony*

You are at least
18 years old

Important points regarding voter registration for people experiencing homelessness


  • If you do not have a primary place of residence, you can list cross streets for Box #4 on your registration form.

  • To receive a vote by mail ballot, you must indicate a mailing address in Box #5 on the form. This can be a DPSS office, DMH office, a provider's office, etc., that agrees to hold your mail.

  • If you are unable to provide a mailing address and cannot receive a vote by mail ballot, you can still register and vote on the same day in person at a polling place either on election day, November 3, 2020, or during early voting.


  • If you do not have a California-issued ID card, you can list the last four digits of your Social Security Number to register.

  • If you do not have or are unaware of your Social Security Number, you can still register to vote. However, your registration will take longer to verify. If this situation applies to you, please register as soon as possible.

Although the October 19, 2020 deadline to register to vote and get a vote by mail ballot has passed, you can still register to vote and vote on the same day in-person at a vote center starting at some on October 24, 2020.

However, your vote will become conditional upon verification of your registration, so it is important you do this as soon as possible.

How will the voting process work in 2020?

Normal voting methods will be available this election cycle

In-Person Polling

Drop Box Locations

Mail-In Ballots

All voters and election workers will be expected to follow State and County public health and safety guidlines.

For more information on available voting options, please visit LAvote.net.

To learn about the voting process this election cycle in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, please click below

Voting in a Pandemic

Find a list of
voting centers in the
Los Angeles County area here

Find Voting Centers

For Providers

For detailed information on the voting process in Los Angeles, click below

Voting in Los Angeles

If you want to request voter registration materials for your site, such as paper registration forms, please complete the form linked below

VRC Statement of Distribution

Once completed, email, fax, or mail the request back to the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's (RR/CC) Office and specify how many copies you require. The RR/CC will then mail these registration materials to you.

The maximum amount you may order is 500.

All registration materials are available in multiple languages.



(562) 868 - 0861


RR/CC Affidavit Distribution Section
12400 Imperial Hwy, Room 3002
Norwalk, CA 90650

Unfortunately, the RR/CC cannot mail display boxes and posters. Once you request/receive your forms, please contact Philip Verbera to arrange pick-up of additional materials.

Additional Resources

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LA County Voter Brochures and Materials

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Legislative Affairs

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Detailed Information on the Voting Process in Los Angeles

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Information on the Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) Model

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The Registrar-Recorder County Clerk (RR/CC) Office

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National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) Voter Registration Kit