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Our Mission

To drive the collaborative strategic vision to create solutions for the crisis of homelessness grounded in hope, compassion, and community.

Our Values Accountability, Collaboration, Compassion, Community, Integrity

  • Accountability

    We take responsibility for our actions and decisions.
    We commit to evaluating results, continuous improvement, and transparency for the system.

  • Collaboration

    We are stronger together.
    Our success is driven by our ability to build relationships, break down silos, and connect across teams, functions, populations, and geographies.

  • Compassion

    We believe all persons deserve housing, services, and safety.
    We meet people where they are without preconditions or judgement.

  • Community

    We deeply value collaboration and input from the community we serve.
    We attune to the vision, voice and priorities of all we serve.

  • Integrity

    We do the right thing.
    We hold ourselves to a higher standard by demonstrating honesty, dignity, and respect in all we do.

Overview of LAHSA

LAHSA is a joint powers authority of the city and county of Los Angeles, created in 1993 to address the problem of homelessness in Los Angeles County. LAHSA is the lead agency in the HUD-funded Los Angeles Continuum of Care, and coordinates and manages federal, state, county, and city funds for programs providing shelter, housing, and services to people experiencing homelessness.


Through LAHSA, funding, program design, outcomes assessment, and technical assistance are provided to more than 100 nonprofit partner agencies that assist people experiencing homelessness achieve independence and stability in permanent housing. Our partner agencies provide a continuum of programs ranging from outreach, access centers, emergency shelters, safe havens, transitional and permanent housing, and prevention, along with the necessary supportive services designed to provide the tools and skills required to attain a stable housing environment.

Additionally, LAHSA partners with both the city and county of Los Angeles to integrate services and housing opportunities to ensure wide distribution of service and housing options throughout the Los Angeles Continuum of Care.