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September 23, 2022 | March 27, 2025 | 21,049 total views

Housing Navigation Programs bridge a critical gap in services in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA COC). It provides housing-focused supportive services for people experiencing homelessness in locations as identified by LAHSA with the goal of helping them identify, apply for, secure and move into permanent housing within 120 days of enrollment. Housing Navigation Programs adhere to Housing First, Low Barrier, Harm Reduction and Trauma-Informed Care approaches and are an integral part of the Coordinated Entry System (CES). CES was created to ensure consistent approaches for access to, and delivery of, services in Los Angeles County. Therefore, Housing Navigation must work in collaboration with the CES, and in coordination with the other LAHSA-funded program components.

Meet the team

Sarah Kinslow Sam Hogan Kelly Pounds Tery Amaya Mychael Castillo
Associate Director Permanent Housing Housing Navigation Coordinator Housing Navigation Coordinator Housing Navigation Coordinator Housing Navigation Coordinator
All Populations Housing Navigation, All Populations Time Limited Subsidies, Prevention Encampment Resolution Funds (ERF) /Special Programs: SUNOFO, Pathway Home, Inside Safe, Ever Woman Housed Single Adults Single Adults DV/IPV, TAY & Families

Important Reminders

  • All LAHSA funded Housing Navigation programs will be switching to slot-based management beginning October 1, 2022. Slot-based management refers to a strategy for managing program enrollments based on the creation of a “participant slot.” The slots represent the number of participants each agency must be serving at any given time in the contract year. This allows providers and our system to continuously manage slots, ensuring they are at full capacity, but not oversubscribed. The established case load ratio is 1 Housing Navigator to 20 participants.
  • DV / IPV providers will use Client Track as a comparable database instead of HMIS.

FOR THE ADULT SYSTEM ONLY: New enrollments for Housing Navigation are to come from Interim Housing Sites or assigned Access Centers. LAHSA recommends reviewing each participant’s progress to ensure there is an appropriate caseload for each staff member to provide appropriate services.

  • LAHSA will review requests to add non-LAHSA funded Interim Housing sites based on funding availability and SPA resource needs. This may impact negatively on availability of SPA resources and priority will be given to all LAHSA Interim Housing programs.



Important Documents/Toolkits

Additional Resources

Recommended Trainings

Getting ready for Housing Navigation

  • For providers to share with partners


  • For programs to share with potential participants

  • For providers to share with partners (Spanish)

  • For programs to share with potential participants