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July 16, 2021 | March 24, 2025 | 187,991 total views

See below for a list of LAHSA's Press Releases that we suggest you read to get up to speed on large-scale projects that LAHSA is currently working on.

If you are a member of the media and would like an interview with LAHSA staff, please reach out to Christopher Yee at cyee@lahsa.org.

To make a public records request, please email pra@lahsa.org.

Please note: The 10-day period mentioned in the Government Code §6253(c) is not a deadline for producing records. Should the request be voluminous, or require research, or computer programming, LAHSA may need a reasonable amount of time to research, review, and inspect records prior to release; therefore, it may take longer before the records can be made available. Upon receipt of your request, LAHSA will make every effort to keep you apprised of response timeframes.



Date  Related Content

Preliminary Count Data Shows Decrease In Unsheltered  Homelessness

The preliminary results demonstrate the success of alignment and collaboration between LAHSA, the City, and the County.   3/21/2025  

LAHSA To Conclude 2025 Unsheltered And Youth Counts Today

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority announced it expects to conclude the Unsheltered and Youth Counts for the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Friday, Feb. 28.  2/21/25  

 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Kicks Off in LA County 

Leaders from across LA County gathered at the El Rio Community School in Lincoln Heights on Tuesday night to kick off the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. 2/21/25  

HUD Awards Over $220 Million to Address Homelessness in Los Angeles

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded more than $200 million for FY 2024 renewal and new projects to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC).



LAHSA Helps Unhoused Community Apply For FEMA Funding

On Tuesday, January 21, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help people experiencing homelessness apply for FEMA assistance. 




2025 Los Angeles Homeless Count Rescheduled to February 18, 19, and 20 Due to Wildfires 


The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) today announced new dates for the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which was postponed due to the recent wildfires. The rescheduled count will take place over these three nights in February. 1/21/25  

LAHSA Fire Response Update: LAHSA Mobilizes to Engage People Living in High-Risk Areas  

With a projected increase in the Santa Ana winds, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s (LAHSA) outreach teams are working around the clock engaging with people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in high-fire-danger areas. 1/14/25  

LAHSA Pospone El Censo Anual Debido a los Incendios; HUD Aprobó La Decisión  

La Autoridad de Servicios a las Personas Sin Hogar (LAHSA) anunció hoy que pospondrá el Censo Anual de Personas Sin Hogar de Los Ángeles por lo menos por 30 días. Esta decisión es en respuesta a los incendios forestales que afectan el Condado de Los Ángeles y fue aprobada por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD).


LAHSA Postpones Annual Homeless Count Due to Wildfires, HUD Grants Approval 

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) today announced the postponement of the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count for at least 30 days. This decision, made in response to the ongoing wildfire crisis impacting Los Angeles County, has been approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  1/10/25  

LAHSA y Proveedores de Servicios Actúan Con Urgencia Para Salvar Vidas Durante Los Incendios 

En respuesta a los vientos extremos y los incendios forestales en el Condado de Los Ángeles, la Autoridad de Servicios para Las Personas Sin Hogar de Los Ángeles (LAHSA) coordinó con rapidez la reubicación de 275 personas de cinco albergues en zonas de evacuación.  1/10/25  

LAHSA and Service Providers Act Quickly to Save Lives During Unprecedented Wildfires

In response to the extreme winds and the resulting wildfires in Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) quickly coordinated the relocation of 275 individuals from five interim housing sites located in evacuation zones. 1/10/25  

El Sistema de Realojamiento del Condado de Los Ángeles Mejora El Desempeño de Su Equipo Comunitario y Vivienda Permanente

LAHSA anunció mejoras significativas al desempeño del equipo comunitario y las transiciones a hogares temporales del sistema de realojamiento.  1/03/25  
LA County’s Rehousing System Improves Outreach and Permanent Housing Performance

LAHSA announced significant performance improvements in the rehousing system’s outreach and interim housing interventions.


LAHSA Invests In Faith-Based Organizations and Small Nonprofits

LAHSA announced the awardees for its Small Agency and Faith-Based Organization Capacity Building Fund Pilot (SAFBO-CBF) 12/27/2024  

LAHSA Notes Key Changes Already in Progress that Address LA City Controller Audit Findings 

LAHSA emphasized today that many of the findings from the Los Angeles City Controller's audit on interim housing occurred before the current leadership came to LAHSA and are being addressed as part of the agency’s ongoing commitment to change and transformation.  12/10/2024  

LAHSA Launches New System For Real-Time Tracking of IH Bed Availability

LAHSA today announced the launch of a new system that will provide detailed, real-time data on bed availability across most interim housing sites in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC). This initiative is another example of how LAHSA is changing the rehousing system for the better. 


LAHSA Activa Su Programa de Albergues de Invierno

LAHSA activó su Programa de Albergues de Invierno el primero de noviembre. Esta iniciativa salvará a miles de vidas al traer adentro a personas sin hogar durante situaciones de clima extremo o de emergencia.  Junto al Programa de Respuesta a Emergencias, LAHSA traerá a personas sin hogar adentro en situaciones de clima extremo y otras emergencias.

11/6/24 Winter Shelter Program

LA’s Life-Saving Winter Shelter Program returns for 2024-25  

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)’s Winter Shelter Program for the 2024-25 season opened Friday, November 1. The life-saving program, which starts by offering 217 beds across five sites in Los Angeles County, will run through March 31, 2025.   

11/5/24 Winter Shelter Program

LAHSA Launches Volunteer Registration For The 2025 Greater Los Angeles

Volunteer registration is now open for the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in January. The 2025 Homeless Count will take place on the evenings of January 21, 22, and 23. 10/29/24 Homeless Count 

LAHSA Releases New Data Dashboards to Increase Transparency and Understanding of Homelessness Across the LA Area 

The dashboards, of which an initial iteration is being made public, offer never-before-seen insights into outreach, the interim housing system, and programmatic key performance indicators. 10/2/24 Data Dashboards

 LAHSA and Housing Diversity Corp. Partner to Bring LA County its Largest Master Leased Building

The building’s 147 homes for people experiencing homelessness will increase LAHSA’s Master Leasing Program’s portfolio by two-thirds.


Resultados del Censo de Personas Sin Hogar

La CEO de LAHSA se siente optimista en que los esfuerzos coordinados proveen una oportunidad para continuar reduciendo la falta de vivienda y albergue.  


Presentacion de la conferencia de prensa. 

Presentacion larga

Resumen de los datos

Conteo total

Panel de control y mapa interactivo



Unsheltered Homelessness Drops and Sheltered Homelessness Rises in City and County of Los Angeles

LAHSA CEO cautiously optimistic that unified approach provides opportunity to continue reducing unsheltered homeslessness. 06/28/2024

Press Conference deck

Slide deck (long version)

Data Summaries

Raw Data Totals

Dashboard and Interactive Map

Download our infographics here

LAHSA Unveils Welcome Navigation Center 

Innovative interim housing pilot prepares people for housing within 30 days.  6/13/24  

LAHSA Presenta el Welcome Navigation Center 

El programa piloto prepara a personas sin hogar en obtener vivienda permanente en un plazo de 30 días.


LAHSA Toma Medidas Para Combatir el Aumento de Latinos Sin Hogar

Una Coalición Especial, participación comunitaria y personal especializado contribuirán a revertir esta tendencia creciente.  


LAHSA Takes Action to Address Latino Homelessness  


A Special Task Force, community engagement, and key staff will help address a growing trend. 


Statement on the Completion of the Volunteer Portion of the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count

Statement from LAHSA CEO Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum on the completion of the volunteer portion of the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count


HUD Awards over $188 Million to Address Homelessness in LA

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded over $188 million for FY 2023 renewal and new projects to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC). This amount represents an increase of $24.56 million over HUD’s allocation to the LA CoC in FY 2022. This increase includes an adjustment for Fair Market Rent for existing programs and new programs.  02/06/2024 Awards

City of L.A. Adds Additional Winter Shelter Beds in Advance of Storm

As part of its Augmented Winter Shelter Program activation, the City of Los Angeles will activate four Recreation and Park site shelters and showers beginning at 5:00 pm on Saturday, February 3. The City’s Recreation and Parks Department will provide facility management, while LAHSA and its service providers will manage the sites. These additional beds will stay in operation until the evening of February 8 but can be extended if the severe weather is expected to continue.   02/02/2024 Winter Shelter

Augmented Winter Shelter Program to Provide Shelter From Storm

The City and County of Los Angeles have activated the Augmented Winter Shelter Program to provide additional shelter options for people living on the streets. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority oversees and operates the Winter Shelter Program.  

01/30/2024 Winter Shelter

Los Angeles Leaders Kick Off 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count

As the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count began Tuesday, Los Angeles leaders gathered to emphasize the importance of working together to reduce and eventually end homelessness in LA County. 1/24/2024  

Augmented Winter Shelter Program To Provide Shelter From Upcoming Storm 

The City and County of Los Angeles have activated the Augmented Winter Shelter Program to provide additional shelter options for people living on the streets. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority oversees and operates the Winter Shelter Program.   1/18/2024  

Supervisor Kathryn Barger appoints herself to LAHSA Commission

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger appointed herself to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Commission in October. Supervisor Barger, who represents LA County’s Fifth Supervisorial District, joined the LAHSA Commission for its October 27 meeting.


Volunteer Registration Now Open For 2024 Homeless Count

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) has opened registration for the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. In 2024, the Homeless Count will occur during the evening on January 23, 24, and 25. Volunteers can register for the Homeless Count at TheyCountWillYou.org.

12/07/2023 Homeless Count Website

LA Region’s Life-Saving Winter Shelter Program Returns with More Seasonal Beds

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)’s Winter Shelter Program for the 2023-24 season opened Wednesday, November 1. The life-saving program, which offers 322 beds across eight sites in Los Angeles County, will run through March 31, 2024.  


LAHSA Works With Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab to Improve Rehousing System

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is collaborating with a new initiative of the Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab (GPL), the Homelessness Prevention & Rehousing Accelerator, to work on system improvements that will prevent individuals from becoming homeless and to improve the rehousing process 10/16/2023  

Mayor Bass Appoints Herself to LAHSA Commission

Mayor Karen Bass has appointed herself to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Commission; the appointment was confirmed by a unanimous vote of the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday, October 10. 


Hundreds Of Lives Saved As Tropical Storm Hilary Hits LA County

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority coordinated with the City and County of Los Angeles to offer hundreds of beds to people experiencing homelessness in high-risk areas.


LAHSA CEO details accomplishments in first 100 days

Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum, Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), announced several significant improvements to the Los Angeles area’s rehousing system during her first 100 days at the agency.  

8/1/2023 Slide deck

Supervisor Horvath to Chair LAHSA Commission

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Commission voted in Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath as its chair Friday, July 28, 2023. 7/28/2023  

LAHSA releases results of 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count

The 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count results were released, showing a 9% rise in homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles County to an estimated 75,518 people and a 10% rise in the City of Los Angeles to an estimated 46,260 people. 6/29/2023 Slide Deck

HUD Awards Over $157 Million to Address Homelessness in Los Angeles

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded over $157 million for FY 2022 renewal and new projects to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC). This amount represents an increase of $2.49 million over HUD’s allocation to the LA CoC in FY 2021.   3/30/2023 HUD Press Release

LAHSA wraps up the 2023 Greater Los Angeles Unsheltered Count

LAHSA announced it finished the 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count enumeration process. Volunteers and staff from various cities completed 93% of the census tracts in the Los Angeles CoC on the first three nights. Special count teams counted the remaining census tracts in the days following the volunteer counts.   02/13/2023 Homeless Count Website

Los Angeles Rehousing System Awarded $60 Million in Funding to Address Unsheltered Homelessness

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) granted the LA Continuum of Care (LA CoC) $60 million ($20 million per year over three years) – the maximum amount under this grant - to address unsheltered homelessness throughout the LA region. 02/02/2023  

LAHSA Announces Improvements to the 2023 Homeless Count

LAHSA announced an array of updates on how it conducts the annual Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. For the 2023 Homeless Count, LAHSA is taking lessons learned from last year and the best practices from previous years to improve deployment sites, training, and digital tools. 01/11/2023 Homeless Count Website

Volunteer Registration Now Open For 2023 Homeless Count

LAHSA opened registration for the 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. In 2023, the Homeless Count will occur during the evening on January 24, 25, and 26. Volunteers can register for the Homeless Count at TheyCountWillYou.org. 11/30/2022 Homeless Count Website

Project Roomkey Ends Homelessness For 4,824 People

LAHSA announced that Project Roomkey led to more than 4,800 permanent housing placements since the program began in 2020. The successful COVID-19 interim housing program provided more than 10,000 COVID-vulnerable people experiencing homelessness with access to private rooms for shelter and safety during the pandemic. 11/18/2022  

LAHSA Newsroom Banners

Reimagined Winter Shelter Program Now Open In LA County

LAHSA announced the opening of its Winter Shelter Program for the 2022-2023 winter season. In addition, LAHSA is debuting an innovative new Augmented Winter Shelter Program (AWSP), which will provide motel vouchers to people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in parts of the County more likely to experience severe weather.   11/01/2022 Winter Shelter Webpage

Untitled (4314 × 3235 px)

LAHSA Data Advance Yields New Level of Insight into Homelessness

LAHSA is introducing a new level of transparency and accountability through the establishment and publication of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), a set of metrics that measure the LA Continuum of Care’s unhoused populations progress through the rehousing system. September 26, 2022  

LAHSA Newsroom Banners (600 × 400 px) (4314 × 3235 px)

LAHSA Commission Appoints Stephen David Simon as Interim Executive Director

LAHSA's Commission Committee has  appointed Stephen David Simon as the new Interim Executive Director while the search continues for a  permanent Executive Director. September 15, 2022  

2022 HC  

Greater LA Homeless Count Suggests Pandemic Era Policies Prevented Surge in Homelessness

LAHSA released the results of the 2022 Homeless Count, which suggest that homelessness may be rising more slowly than in previous years.  September 8, 2022

2022 Homeless Count Deck

2022 Homeless Count Presentation


Homeless Count 2022 Newspage Banner

LAHSA Working With HUD to Release 2022 Homeless Count Results This Summer

LAHSA announced the postponement of the release of the 2022 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count results to early September.  July 6, 2022  
LAHSA Newsroom Banners (600 × 400 px)
LA’s Rehousing System Ended Homelessness for 21,000 People In 2021
LAHSA released new insight on the latest progress made in LA’s rehousing system at its State of Homelessness event. Despite the current housing shortage, rising rent costs, and stagnant wages, LAHSA’s rehousing system rehoused 21,213 Angelenos in 2021, marking a total of 86,303 people permanently housed over the last four years. June 28, 2022

2022 State of Homelessness Recording

2022 State of Homelessness Presentation

2022 State of Homelessness Story Map

New LAHSA Strategy to Reduce Unsheltered Homelessness in Three Years 

LAHSA announced a new strategy to reduce unsheltered homelessness in Los Angeles County over the next three years. To achieve that goal, LAHSA is working with its partners to accelerate people’s movement from shelter to permanent housing and continuously place unsheltered people experiencing homelessness in the newly available shelter beds.

May 19, 2022 Blog Entry:

LAHSA Refocuses to Address Unsheltered Homelessness

Leadership Announcement
Commission Elevates Kristina Dixon And Molly Rysman To Temporarily Lead LAHSA

The LAHSA Commission’s Management Committee held a Special Meeting and elevated Molly Rysman and Kristina Dixon to temporarily co-lead LAHSA for the next few weeks while the Commission names an Interim Executive Director and begins a nationwide search for a permanent Executive Director. April 29, 2022  

HUD Awards $155 million to Address Homelessness in Los Angeles

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded over $155 million for FY 2021 renewal and new projects to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC). This amount represents an increase of $5 million over HUD’s allocation to the LA CoC in FY 2020. March 16, 2022 HUD Press Release

get-image1 copy

Los Angeles County Resumes Annual Homeless Count  

Local officials gathered Tuesday virtually to commemorate the start of the 2022 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The three-day annual census of people experiencing homelessness begins after a one-year hiatus due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

February 22, 2022  

Updated Homeless Count Website Banner copy

LAHSA Announces 2022 Point-in-Time Homeless Count Postponement

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) announced the postponement of the 2022 Greater Los Angeles Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Count to February 22-24, 2022. January 14, 2022 Volunteer for the 2022 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count

Rehousing Housing

Rehousing System Ends Homelessness
For Thousands in First Half Of 2021

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) announced that the homeless rehousing system made 10,373 permanent housing placements in the first half of 2021. December 1, 2021  

winter shelters

LAHSA Opens Winter Shelters

LAHSA announced that the majority of its 2021-2022 winter shelter portfolio had begun operations throughout Los Angeles County. November 29, 2021 Winter Shelters

HUD Funding for Youth Homelessness Thumb

LAHSA Receives $15 Million Grant From HUD to Address Youth Homelessnes


The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded LAHSA a $15 million Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) grant to address youth homelessness. September 27, 2021  

Los Angeles Outreach Teams Bring Thousands of People Inside Within Six Months

LAHSA continues to call for a more significant investment in housing to grow the success of its outreach efforts. August 25, 2021  

LAHSA Releases 2021 Housing Inventory Count And Shelter Count Results

LAHSA released the results of its 2021 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Shelter Count. The Housing Inventory Count is a census of all interim and permanent housing options in the homeless rehousing system at a given point-in-time. This year, the Housing Inventory Count occurred on January 27. July 21, 2021


Video Presentation

Data Summaries

Key Messages

LAHSA Provides Guidance for Addressing Street Encampments

LAHSA released its Best Practices for Addressing Street Encampments, which provides guidance for service providers and community partners on the most effective ways to conduct location-specific outreach to bring those living in encampments inside to shelter and housing. June 29, 2021 Best Practices for Addressing Street Encampments


Universal Housing Application Provides Faster Access to Housing

LAHSA, the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA), and the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) announced the launch of a new Universal Housing Application (UHA) that will modernize the housing application process for people experiencing homelessness, removing barriers from the path towards permanent housing. May 7, 2021


Rehousing System Houses Over 64,000 People Over the Last Three Years

LAHSA released data about the homeless rehousing system’s performance in 2020 during its first State of Homelessness Town Hall – an online event attended by over 1300 people. March 22, 2021

Event Video


LAHSA Commission Report Offers
Path to Streamline Governance Strength

The LAHSA Commission released the recommendations of its Ad Hoc Committee on Governance. The report lays out a path to a regionally coordinated response to the homelessness and housing crisis that aligns resources and authority and establishes shared goals. March 5, 2021

LAHSA Report on Governance

LAHSA Governance Report Memo

HUD Awards LA $151 Million to
Address Homelessness

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded nearly $151 million for 2020 renewal projects to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC). The amount represents an increase of $17.3 million over HUD’s allocation for renewal projects in 2019. January 29, 2021

FY 2020 Award Projects Report

HUD Exempts Los Angeles from
2021 Unsheltered
Point-In-Time Count
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has exempted the Los Angeles Continuum of Care from conducting a 2021 Unsheltered Point-In-Time (PIT) Count. January 28, 2021


LAHSA Celebrates the Opening of the Latest A Bridge Home Shelter

Heidi Marston, Executive Director of the LAHSA, today joined other local officials to celebrate the opening of The Lotus, the 20th shelter of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s A Bridge Home program. January 20, 2021  

Wellness Check App Helps Limit Covid-19 Spread Among Homeless
In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessness, LAHSA outreach team members have used a new mobile app to conduct more than 36,000 wellness checks since April. December 2, 2020 Video

LAHSA Begins Transition from Project Roomkey To COVID-19 Recovery Plan
LAHSA announced that it has begun transitioning clients from Project Roomkey into sustainable housing solutions through the COVID-19 Recovery Plan. September 22, 2020 Presentation

LAHSA Provides 2020 Update On Youth Homelessness
LAHSA provided an update on the youth homeless system, including the release of its 2020 Greater Los Angeles Youth Homeless Count data. August 27, 2020 Presentation

LAHSA Statement On HUD Rule Change
LAHSA Executive Director Heidi Marston has released the following statement regarding the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) release of proposed revisions to the Equal Access in Accordance with an Individual’s Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs rule. August 6, 2020

LAHSA Equal Access Policy

LAHSA Public Comment

HUD Rule Change Proposal

Revised 2019 Homeless Count Data Summaries
Adjustments to the numbers reported last year in the 2019 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count at the Los Angeles City Council District and County Supervisorial District levels reflect a methodological update provided by LAHSA’s statistical partner, University of Southern California (USC). July 22, 2020  

LAHSA Releases Covid-19 Recovery Plan
LAHSA released its full COVID-19 Recovery Plan for people experiencing homelessness, a report and budget outlining the action steps to implement the framework first presented to the board on May 26. June 23, 2020



LAHSA Response To Calls To End Its Relationship With Law Enforcement
LAHSA finds police violence unacceptable against all individuals and especially against vulnerable people experiencing homelessness. We continue our call for immediate and lasting reforms within law enforcement agencies and across the criminal justice system as a whole. June 18, 2020 Guiding Principles and Practices for Unsheltered Homelessness

2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless
Count Results
The 2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Shows 12.7% Rise in homelessness despite sustained increase in number of people rehoused. 

June 12, 2020

2020 Homeless Count Presentation

Key Messages

​Heidi Marston Selected As Executive Director Of LAHSA


The LAHSA Commission unanimously selected Heidi Marston to the position of Executive Director. June 5,2020  

LAHSA Affirms Commitment to Racial Justice
LAHSA condemns the actions by the individuals that led to the death of George Floyd on Monday, May 25, 2020. June 3, 2020  

LAHSA COVID Recovery Plan Aims for Rapid Rehousing
LAHSA presented its plan to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis with thousands of Los Angeles County’s most vulnerable people experiencing homelessness safe in housing. May 27, 2020 Presentation

Update on LAHSA's COVID-19 Response
LAHSA provided updates on the progress and impact of LA’s efforts to rehouse people experiencing homelessness and protect public health as part of the city and county’s coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic. April 30,2020  

LAHSA City County Announce Housing Central Command
Key players in Los Angeles’s homeless crisis response system announced a new initiative to revamp how city, county and federal agencies work together and increase the speed and effectiveness with which the system helps people experiencing homelessness move into housing. February 18, 2020