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March 09, 2020 | May 15, 2020 | 141,704 total views

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is working closely with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) as well as other City, County, and Federal Partners to develop and implement a coordinated COVID-19 response related to people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles. This site is designed to help our providers and partners to keep updated on resources and information. 

As this is an emerging, rapidly evolving issue, LAHSA and its partners will provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance. Please visit this and other referenced pages often.


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COVID-19: Additional Resources for Providers

We've compiled a list of additional resources (that complements this page) that you may find helpful during the COVID-19 crisis. Resources include economic/workforce development, supplies/donations, homelessness prevention, basic needs, and more. Updates will be made regularly, so check back often.

COVID-19: Additional Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness

We created a separate list of additional resources that people experiencing homelessness may find helpful during the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID-19 Provider Hotline Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • FAQ (Updated on April 29)
Los Angeles Continuum of Care COVID-19 Resources
LAHSA Program Changes During Declared Public Emergencies Form 4368
Housing for Health and Office of Diversion and Reentry Resources


General Information

Please visit DPH and CDC’s pages for updates on COVID-19, helpful resources and guidance for specialized entities and groups, infographics on handwashing and COVID-19 basics, etc.

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) Coronavirus Portal (includes resources in 13 languages)

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Coronavirus Portal

New LA CoC Policy: COVID-19 Enhanced Risk Service Delivery in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (Added on March 25)

Food Programs By SPA (ENGLISH) PDF | Food Programs By SPA (SPANISH) PDF (Added on April 1)

Hygiene Services Locations List (Added on March 20)

United States Interagency Council on Homelessness: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources (Added on March 12)

Myth Busters (Added on March 12)

  • COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates
    From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.
  • Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus.
    There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. The most effective way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water.

LAHSA and Homeless Initiative Present the Faith Community’s Response to COVID-19

What LAHSA is Doing to Address the Coronavirus


  • LAHSA’s leadership is in close contact with officials at DPH, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and are receiving the latest developments and the best approaches to limiting exposure to the Coronavirus. 
  • The Office of Emergency Management has designated LAHSA as the lead agency for work relating to people experiencing homelessness. OEM did this to ensure that LAHSA’s expertise is captured in the day-to-day work and allows LAHSA to play the central coordinating role across City and County agencies. 
  • LAHSA is in close coordination with the County Emergency Operation Center to ensure homelessness expertise is informing our system’s response.
  • LAHSA is working with DPH and OEM to secure personal protection equipment and other essential supplies for our providers like hand sanitizer, tissues, water, and masks for people who may sick.  
  • DHS and DPH clinicians and LAHSA staff will be meeting with LAHSA teams weekly to discuss approaches and support.

Expanding Shelter Access

  • LAHSA has been able to secure the extension of 12 Winter Shelter Program sites past the usual end date of March 31. This action ensures that over 900 low-barrier beds remain available for our unsheltered population 24 hours-a-day. We continue to work with our providers and partners at the City and County to extend more sites during the pandemic and expect all Winter Shelter sites to have extended programming to at least the end of April.
  • LAHSA is working with the City of Los Angeles to set up its 42 planned shelters. Over the weekend LAHSA was instrumental in opening the first eight, and we look forward to working with the City to open the others.
  • We’re also working with our partners to create 2000 beds where we can isolate people experiencing symptoms. We will be using RVs that have been provided by the state of California and motels that the county is pursuing. And we are exploring other opportunities so that we are prepared if the pandemic continues to expand. 900 beds have been secured to date.

Increasing Hygiene

  • LAHSA is supporting the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office, County Board of Supervisors, and City Council Members by:
    • Identifying locations for over 300 mobile hygiene stations to people living outdoors 
    • Deployed 18 mobile shower facilities across the county.


  • Our outreach teams have received comprehensive training on best practice to keep themselves safe and to ensure that people they encounter with flu-like symptoms get the right medical care. The Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department and shelter providers have also utilized this training. 
  • Outreach teams that are currently working with CARE and CARE+ teams will continue to support those teams. In addition, they will pass along information about COIVD-19 and how to reduce the chances of contracting the virus to the people experiencing homelessness that they come across.
  • Our outreach teams not attached to CARE and CARE + are seeking out clients that they have make contact with over the last 3-6 months who are over 55 or have a chronic medical condition to ensure they receive information about COVID-19 and how to reduce their chances of catching the virus.

Informing Providers and Community 

  • LAHSA has provided the latest information about how Coronavirus is transmitted, known symptoms and treatment, and what steps to take to prevent transmission to every staff member, partner, and provider. 
  • LAHSA has worked with its partners at the Department of Health Services to develop and administer training specifically shelter providers.
  • We’ve notified our employees, partners, and providers about best practices to prevent and prepare for a COVID-19 outbreak.
  • LAHSA launched a robust, comprehensive COVID-19 web portal aimed at providing key guidance for the homeless services system. It includes locally-developed training webinars for interim housing providers and outreach teams, program guidance and tools from DPH and CDC, as well as infectious disease preparedness guidance for agencies.


Resources for Interim Housing Providers

DPH COVID Training for Congregate Settings (Added April 23)

  • Training slides
  • Audio recording of training

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines on Screening clients for respiratory infection symptoms at entry to homeless shelters (Added on April 1)

COVID-19 & Personal Protective Equipment: Interim Guidance (Added on March 24)

DPH Guidance for Homeless Shelters (Added on March 22)

CDC Interim guidance for homeless service providers to plan and respond to COVID-19 (Added on March 22)

Interim Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Added on March 19)

Guidance for People Experiencing Homelessness (Added on March 17)

Webinar Recording: Infectious Disease Preparedness Among Homeless Assistance Providers and Their Partners (Added on March 12)

Webinar Presentation: Infectious Disease Preparedness Among Homeless Assistance Providers and Their Partners (Added on March 12)

Webinar Recording: Preparing for COVID-19 in Congregate/Communal Settings (Added on March 12)

Webinar Presentation: Preparing for COVID-19 in Congregate/Communal Settings (Added on March 11)

HUD: Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers Webinar Update: Materials Posted and Upcoming Office Hours (Added on March 11)

BCSH: Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Added on March 11)

DPH Guidance for Homeless Shelters (Added on March 9)

DPH Shelter Assessment Tool (Added on March 9)

DPH Infection Control Basics for Shelters (Added on March 9)

DPH Symptomatic Client Poster (Added on March 9)

HUD Preventing and Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Shelters (Added on March 9)


Resources for Outreach Teams

COVID-19 and Street Outreach: A Quick Guide to Keeping Safe and Delivering Care (Added on March 24)

COVID-19 & Personal Protective Equipment: Interim Guidance (Added on March 24)

DPH Guidance for Homeless Service Agencies and Outreach Teams (Added on March 22)

CDC Interim Guidance for Responding to COVID-19 among People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness (Added on March 22)

Hygiene Services Locations List (Added on March 20)

Guidance for People Experiencing Homelessness (Added on March 17)

Webinar Recording: Preparing for COVID-19: Guidance for Los Angeles County Homeless Outreach Teams and their Agencies (Added on March 12)

Webinar Presentation: Preparing for COVID-19: Guidance for Los Angeles County Homeless Outreach Teams and their Agencies (Added on March 9)

DPH Guidance for Field Staff (non-healthcare workers) (Added on March 9)

Training: Infectious Disease Basics for Outreach Workers (Added on March 9)

Preventing and Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Encampments (Added on March 9)

LASAN/YMCA Partnership for Additional Hygiene Facilities Flyer (Added on April 7)

Resources For Healthcare Providers

DPH’s portal for healthcare providers (Added on March 9)

Sign up to the Los Angeles Health Alert Network (LAHAN) to receive guidance for health professionals by email. (Added on March 9)

Resources for Agency Infectious Disease Preparedness for Agencies

DPH’s Guidance for Employers (Added on March 9)

CDC guidance and Technical Assistance (TA) materials Infectious Disease Preparedness Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers (Added on March 9)

HUD’s Infectious Disease Toolkit for CoCs (Added on March 9)

HUD’s Disease Risks and Homelessness Portal (Added on March 9)

Coping and COVID-19

CDC's guidance on mental health/coping (Added on March 9)


Information from LAHSA

Coronavirus Disease: What you can do to Prepare in the Homeless Services Sector (Added on March 9)

Coronavirus Disease: What Organizations can do to Prevent And Prepare (Added on March 9)

Follow on Social Media

DPH’s Twitter

CDC’s Twitter

LAHSA’s Twitter