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December 29, 2021 | 2,665 total views

LAHSA is proud to support Assembly Bill 328 (Lee) - and encourages community members to weigh in and help secure dedicated funding for housing and workforce development services for formerly incarcerated Californians.

The Reentry Housing and Workforce Development Program, as outlined in the bill, would fund competitive grants to counties, homeless Continuums of Care, and community-based nonprofits to fund housing, housing-based services, reentry services, and workforce development for people experiencing homelessness with recent histories of incarceration in state prison. The Program would use evidence-based approaches proven to reduce homelessness among formerly incarcerated people aligned with our state commitment to Housing First programming, as well as workforce development services that connect people to living-wage jobs.

To show support for AB 328 and its corresponding budget request:

1. Sign on to the budget request for AB 328 by adding your logo to this letter.
2. Send a letter of support using this template to the Assembly Appropriations Committee no later than January 7 to keep the bill moving forward.
3. Share out this fact sheet for the bill to bring in new champions and partners to join our coalition.

The bill must move through the Assembly by early January to keep it active in the coming year. We encourage our community partners to voice their support and help ensure that Californians have a pathway to housing stability as they transition back to their home communities.