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January 10, 2025 | 1,954 total views

Contact: Christopher Yee, cyee@lahsa.org 

In response to the extreme winds and the resulting wildfires in Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) quickly coordinated the relocation of 275 individuals from five interim housing sites located in evacuation zones. They also provided shelter to more people through the Emergency Response motel voucher program and distributed thousands of N95 masks, ultimately saving the lives of hundreds of the region’s most vulnerable residents. As this urgent action demonstrates, LAHSA is dedicated to protecting people experiencing homelessness. The current disaster demands urgent action, and LAHSA has acted swiftly, providing vital support and ensuring the safety of those who are most at-risk. 

As fire conditions grew critical on Tuesday and Wednesday, LAHSA identified interim housing sites near active fire zones that were at significant risk. When evacuation orders were issued for the Sunset Fire on Wednesday, five interim housing facilities required evacuation. LAHSA, in partnership with the City of Los Angeles, immediately opened Recreation and Park (RAP) shelters to accommodate evacuees from these five sites, and provider service partners moved some residents into space available in their existing facilities that were out of harm’s way. 

“We mobilized resources and took decisive action to protect lives during these unprecedented wildfires,” said LAHSA CEO Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum. “As the lead agency for the LA area’s rehousing system, LAHSA is dedicated to safeguarding our unhoused neighbors. When disaster threatens, we don’t wait. We act.”  

LAHSA’s Other Response Efforts Included: 

  • Opening and staffing emergency shelters: In partnership with providers and the City of Los Angeles, LAHSA opened and staffed two RAP shelters: Pecan Recreation Center and Queen Ann Park. 

  • Coordinating transportation: LAHSA collaborated with the City Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to ensure safe transportation for evacuees. 

  • Providing essential resources: LAHSA provided cots and other essential supplies to emergency shelter sites. 

  • Distributing PPE: LAHSA distributed 4,000 N95 masks to service providers and clients through its Welcome Navigation Center and outreach team. 

  • Activating Emergency Response Program: Since the crisis began, LAHSA has worked with the County and City of Los Angeles to activate the Emergency Response Program, making 410 hotel/motel vouchers (275 County/235 City) available to people experiencing unsheltered homelessness through LAHSA outreach teams and 211 LA. 

With red flag warnings still in effect, LAHSA remains vigilant, working tirelessly alongside its partners, and ensuring that people experiencing homelessness receive the critical support they need during this disaster.  

Individuals at risk who need shelter should call 2-1-1.