LAHSA’s Coordinated Entry System (CES) reflects a human-centered and community-driven approach that guides individuals from street homelessness to interim and permanent housing. The rehousing system offers a range of programs to support people experiencing homelessness on their unique journey towards safe and stable housing. Currently, LAHSA is innovating to move people through their journey to permanent housing faster.
LAHSA collaborates closely with service providers across all parts of Los Angeles City and County to ensure programs work efficiently for each participant. This approach acknowledges that different people will take different paths to permanent housing. The rehousing system’s success hinges on a careful balance and availability of interim and permanent housing.
To achieve its goals, the system needs to have a balanced distribution of resources. LAHSA has developed a funding plan that outlines how the different types of programs work together and how much of each resource is needed to support the rapid movement of people off the streets and into housing. The funding plan allows LAHSA to clearly articulate system needs to our funders and set strategic investment priorities aligned with our system vision.
Historically, LAHSA’s primary role has been that of a grant administrator, contracting out dollars and monitoring performance. While the funder role is important, the emergency on our streets demands more. LAHSA is now shifting to a more hands-on approach called
Active System Management (ASM) to support programs on the ground to reduce unsheltered homelessness. The goal of Active System Management is to ensure each program within the rehousing system is moving people off the streets and into permanent housing as efficiently as possible.
LAHSA is expediting implementation of Active System Management across the rehousing system to address the homelessness crisis. With hundreds of contractors and over 12,000 employees across the rehousing sector, training, and communication must be deployed alongside providers
and staff to ensure everyone moves together to reduce unsheltered homelessness.
Active System Management focuses on the specific role of each program in the larger housing process. The rehousing system is most effective in driving people through the housing process when each program has a clear focus on the core activities that need to happen at each stage,
allowing program staff to achieve their goals for each participant in the process.
To support this new approach, LAHSA has developed a robust external meeting structure to implement and drive the established goals and behaviors for each program type and identify and resolve the barriers and problems preventing providers from moving people through the system
into permanent housing.

1. Outreach and encampment resolution
With the highest number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in the United States, Los Angeles County’s street-based outreach teams are critical to helping people find interim or permanent housing. Problem-solving helps people
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This program aims to reshape the rehousing system’s culture by engaging people at every service stage, using social networks or nominal financial assistance as solutions to...

Interim housing programs offer immediate, temporary accommodation for individuals experiencing homelessness. They provide essential services such as safety, shelter from inclement weather, and help connect people to permanent housing...
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The Housing Navigation (HN) program helps participants identify, apply for, and move into permanent housing. Housing Navigation expands the permanent housing inventory by actively engaging with property owners, management companies, and landlords to identify available market-rate housing units...
Learn More4. Permanent Housing
There are mainly 2 types of permanent housing:
Time Limited Subsidies (TLS)
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Time Limited Subsidy (TLS) programs aid people experiencing homelessness obtain and maintain permanent housing. These programs offer support tailored to individual needs, including case management and rental assistance.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) provides the most comprehensive housing support within the Coordinated Entry System to people experiencing homelessness with significant service needs.